The women behind the brand: hiba et moi
La-TEEzy was inspired by a little old--but mighty--Palestinian lady named, Hiba, and Hiba didn’t give a crap about what anyone thought aside from the well-being of her family and close friends. Whenever she faced an issue, or someone judged her or criticized what she did or said, her favorite response was “lateezy,” which in Arabic roughly translates to, ‘whatever, my a$$.’ Till this day, this is how she handles minor issues, $h*tty people, and things that ultimately in the end and in the grand scheme of things, are petty and meaningless.
Hiba, my mother, taught us to prioritize what matters most to us in everything we do—you only get this one life to live, so make it count. I kept preaching that same sentiment to my kids over the years but never fully practiced it. So after a lifetime of semi-conforming to our cultural norms of what is considered socially ‘acceptable,’ highlighted by almost two years of living in tremendous anxiety due to the pandemic and in fear of any form of change, I decided to follow my own advice and truly carpe diem, everyday. As a way to express and share with others this ideology, I created the La-TEEzy line to embody my mother’s inspiration, my newfound love of comfortable/cute/sexy AF clothes, and my snarky Arab-American attitude in both languages.
La-TEEzy takes your edgy, confident attitude and transforms it into comfortable clothing that reflects what you think and how you feel about what’s most important. Even better, all of our items are gender neutral, so get whatever you want without worrying about who it's for, it's for everyone!
be free, be happy, be you, everything else is La-TEEzy.

Sincerely From Albi---Jo